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0.1a Enrolment Procedure


0.1a Enrolment Procedure

Taqwa School




Education Act 2004 (ACT) 

Effective: 20/12/2022

Policy Applicable to 

KG to Year 8 students at Taqwa School

Legislation and Documentation 

Education Act 2004 (ACT) Implementation 22.12.2022

Who is Responsible for this policy 

Finance Manager/Principal

Policy Authorisation: 

Taqwa School Board

Last Version 

15 January 2024

Future Revision 

15 January 2025

Policy Overview 

Taqwa School is an Islamic School and it has a policy of equal opportunities for male and female students from all communities. Families of the taqwa school students are expected to encourage and support the Islamic environment at the school, including religious events and activities. We follow the Australian curriculum of education together with Arabic and Islamic studies. 

Enrolment Procedure 

The following activities explain the enrolment procedure: 

1. Parents are required to complete the registration form by paying a non refundable fee 

2. The school will review the form, and may invite the child to a written test and/or interview 

3. If the child is found suitable, an offer the admission of the child will be made in writing

4. The parents will be asked to provide necessary documents and pay the admission fee to complete the admission. 

5. Once the child is admitted, the student record will be moved to the Student Movement Register as outlined below. 

Student Movement Register Procedure: 

Enrolment officer must ensure that before adding the student to the Drive/SchoolPro systems, the student’s USI has been searched for. If the student doesn’t have a USI number, please refer to the “USI - New Student Number Allocations” document. 

1. Procedures 

1.1. The school is required to upload data or complete the online form on the student movement register website within 5 calendar days of a student movement event. The two key types of events are enrolments and unenrolments. 

1.2. If the fifth calendar day is not a working day, data can be submitted on the following working day.[1] For example, if the student is enrolled on a Tuesday the school can upload the data on the following Monday (if the information is not uploaded before the weekend). This is because the fifth calendar day is a Sunday (a non-work day) and the law allows it to be done on the next day that is a work day. 

1.3. Non-government schools can provide the data in two different methods: 

1.3.1. Through uploading a comma separated values (CSV) file – a type of spreadsheet; or 

1.3.2. Completing a web form on the Student Movement Register website for each student movement. 

Spreadsheet (CSV File) method 

1.4. The Student Movement Register system expects a comma separated values (CSV) file of student details in a specific format. To facilitate this, a CSV student upload template is available for download from the Student Movement Register website. The student upload template defines the expected fields for the sheet. The following are the instructions for preparing your data and uploading it to the Student Movement Register. 

1.5. Please note that you do not have to use the CSV student upload template to prepare the data for uploading to the student transfer register. For example, you may like to prepare a report from your school’s student administration system to generate the export file in the correct CSV file format and use this to upload into the Student Movement Register.

Downloading the Student Upload Template 

1.6. Click the Download template link found on the Student Movement Register website. You will be prompted to select a path to save the file to. 

Preparing your data 

1.7. Open the student upload template. It should open with Microsoft Excel. If it doesn’t, then please open Microsoft Excel and then open the template manually from where you have saved it. Note it could be in the downloads folder on your computer. 

1.8. Enter your data into the fields provided. 

1.9. Enter as much information as possible under the fields provided. (NB - the student ID, surname, first name, gender, birth date, start date, status and contact details for at least one parent or carer are mandatory fields so you cannot leave these blank. 

1.10. Parent/carer contact details must be provided under the Education Regulation 2005

1.11. It is important to ensure that students have the correct STUDENT ID recorded against them. Actively enrolled students should have a status of ATTD for attender (students with the attending status do not need to have the exit date and reasons fields completed). 

1.12. Leavers should have a status of LEFT and an exit date and exit reason entered (the list of valid exit reasons can be found below in Appendix B of this document) as well as the destination (if known). 

1.13. You should upload any new students who have enrolled at your school since the last time you uploaded data to the movement register AND students who have left your school since the last upload. 

1.14. Once a student’s details have been uploaded to the register it is not necessary to upload their data again unless their attendance status changes. 

1.15. Save the template file with the student details you have entered. 

Uploading the File 

1.16. Log onto the student movement register web site and click the Upload school data link. 

1.17. Type in the path and file name or press the BROWSE button to locate the comma delimited text file of student data you have created to be uploaded. 

1.18. The file contains field names check box should be left checked as default unless you have created the comma delimited import file yourself without the aid of the Microsoft Excel template and the file does not contain field names in the first row.

1.19. Click the UPLOAD button to commence the upload process. 

1.20. You will be directed to a data validation page. The page will generate a log of any problems that were encountered during the importing of the student data. An example of an unsuccessful import of the data under the Student Transfer Register system appears below. This example will be replaced when the Student Movement Register site has been updated. 

1.21. If there are any problems with the import file none of the data will be imported into the register until the errors are corrected. You will need to correct the errors in the original file and attempt to upload the file again. 

1.22. The validation summary provides a detailed explanation of the error that was encountered during the import. The summary above indicates all the errors encountered with the file. These errors must be corrected, and the file uploaded again. 

2. Contact 

2.1. The Director, Data Enablement, Student Engagement Branch is responsible for this procedure. 

2.2. For support contact Student Engagement Branch on (02) 6207 4086. 3. Feedback 

3.1. Any feedback about this procedure should be raised with the procedure owner. Refer to Contact information above. 

4. References 

4.1. Definitions 

· For definitions in this procedure please see the definitions in the Student Movement Register Policy. 

4.2. Related Policies and Documents 

· 00115 Student Movement Register Policy 

[1] Legislation Act 2001, section 151A