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ACT 2914 Australia
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03. Student Behaviour Management Policy


03. Student Behaviour Management Policy



Policy Applicable to

KG to Year 10 students at Taqwa School

Legislation and Documentation

Education Act 2004 (ACT) Implementation 22.12.2022

Related Policies

Suspension, Expulsion, Termination

Responsible Officer for Implementation


Implementation Authority


Policy Authorisation


Current Version

June 2024

Review Date

June 2025

Available at the School website




Table of Contents

POLICY STATEMENT                                                                                                                                    2

STRATEGIES TO PROMOTE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR                                                                               2

PROHIBITION OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT                                                                                            2

SUSPENSION                                                                                                                                                 3

Standard Suspension Conditions                                                                                                              3

EXPULSION                                                                                                                                                   4

What does ‘exhaust all reasonable alternatives’ mean?                                                                     4

PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS                                                                                                                           4

THE RULES AND THE EXPECTED STANDARD OF BEHAVIOUR                                                            4



We recognise that a supportive and cooperative environment is essential for the smooth running of the school and for students to reach their potential. Therefore, positive and responsible student behaviour is expected. This policy addresses the requirement for the staff to maintain a consistent and positive approach to behaviour management and foster a climate where personal responsibility and self-discipline are developed within both the school and classroom context.

     Every student has the right to a learning environment free from bullying and intimidation and to feel safe and happy at school. They also have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity.

     Discipline is necessary to ensure the safety and welfare of all students, teachers and staff and to provide a conducive learning environment.

     This policy sets out the framework through which the school manages student behaviour.



Taqwa school is committed to develop a culture of positive discipline by setting clear expectations of students and encouraging positive behaviour. Strategies for developing this culture include:

     To clearly set behaviour expectations.

     To ensure that the values of Taqwa School underpin all aspects of school life and are communicated in school documentation, on the school’s website and on classroom posters.

     To provide visible, fair and equitable behavioural responses that foster confidence and trust.

     To ensure that the School curriculum includes a substantial values education focus within the Islamic Studies.

     To ensure that positive student behaviour is appropriately recognised on the School website, in class, at assemblies and at awards ceremonies. Students are encouraged to work towards receiving special awards or prizes for exemplary achievements both academically and socially.

     To support the participation of all students, taking special measures to support the inclusion of children and young people who are at higher risk of being subjected to exclusionary responses (including Aboriginal children, children in care, and children with disabilities)

     To work in accordance with the Australian Curriculum, to provide teaching programs that integrate the development of social skills and collaborative learning.

     To ensure that students experiencing difficulty achieving positive behavioural outcomes have a range of support programs in place, including mentoring by a teacher, counselling or an individualised behaviour management program focussing upon agreed goals.

     To communicate expectations with the Taqwa school community and to keep parents informed via phone or email when a student is displaying ongoing behavioural issues.

     To work with the school and the Taqwa community to support the needs of all students.

     To maintain records with respect to student behaviour.




Taqwa School is committed to:

a.      prohibit corporal punishment; and


b.      explicitly or implicitly not to sanction the administering of corporal punishment by non-school persons, including parents, to enforce discipline at the school.

The use of any corporal punishment by a staff member is strictly prohibited. Any staff member who breaches this rule will be subject to disciplinary proceedings which may include dismissal


A student can be suspended for the purpose of ensuring a safe and effective learning environment at the school (section 17B).In other words, Taqwa School can suspend a student if their behaviour is unsafe or non-compliant in a way that reduces the safety or effectiveness of the learning environment at the school because it is:

     persistently or disruptively noncompliant behaviour

     poses an unacceptable risk to the safety or wellbeing of other students, staff or other people at the school;

     the school has exhausted all reasonable alternatives to suspending the student, and

     it is considered reasonable to suspend the student after hearing the student’s views and the views of their parents/carers (section 17H).


A student can also be suspended if it happens outside of school hours or not on school grounds, but only if their behaviour:

     reduces the safety or effectiveness of the learning environment at the school; or

     poses an unacceptable risk to the safety or wellbeing of other students, staff or other people at the school.

An example of this would be using social media outside school hours to encourage violence against a student at school the next day. This behaviour has an impact on the safety of the victim’s learning environment whilst at school


Standard Suspension Conditions


The principal may suspend the student only if:


(a)  The student’s parents have been given an opportunity to be consulted, and told in writing, about the proposed suspension of the student and the reasons for it; and


(b)  As far as the student’s maturity and capacity for understanding allow, the participation of the student has been sought, and any views of the student considered, in deciding whether to suspend the student; and


(c)   The student has been given sufficient information about the decision-making process, in a language and way that the student can understand, to allow the student to take part in the process; and


(d)  The student has been given a reasonable opportunity to continue the student’s education during the suspension.


A student can be suspended for up to 20 days at a stretch.There can be more than one suspension for a student at different times.




From 20 December 2022, a student can only be expelled if:


     their behaviour is unsafe or non-compliant in a way that reduces the safety or effectiveness of the learning environment at the school;

     all reasonable alternatives to expelling the student have been exhausted;

     it is not in the best interests of the student, another student, or a staff member for the student to remain at the school; and

     it is reasonable to expel the student considering all the circumstances, including any views of the student and their parents/carers about the proposed transfer.

If the expulsion is recommended because it is not in the best interests of the student to remain at the school, the Principal may consider whether the relationship between the student and the school has deteriorated to such an extent that remaining at the school is no longer in the student’s best interests (section 17U).


What does ‘exhaust all reasonable alternatives’ mean?

If expulsion is proposed for a student, the principal must be satisfied that no other alternative is likely to be suitable or successful for managing the student’s unsafe or noncompliant behaviour.

This means that all other alternatives that a school is able to make must have been considered before making the decision to expel a student (section 17D).


Students have a right to procedural fairness in disciplinary decisions. The principles of procedural fairness include the right to:

1.      know what the rules are, and what behaviour is expected;

2.      have decisions determined by a reasonable and unbiased person;

3.      know the allegations that have been made, and have the opportunity to respond to them;

4.      be heard before a decision is made; and

5.      have a decision reviewed (but not so as to delay an immediate punishment).

Taqwa School stands by procedural fairness when managing discipline and disciplinary action.


Students at Taqwa School are expected to abide by the rules of the school, and the directions of teachers and support staff. They should:

     be respectful;

     be honourable;

     be reliable;

     be authentic; and

     embrace challenges.